
A Volunteer Run Club

Townsville Sailing Club is primarily a volunteer run sailing club. Without the dedication of our volunteers at all levels, we would not be able to run the range of sailing and social events we do, in an inclusive and family friendly environment. If you would like to get involved in making Townsville Sailing Club a vibrant community organisation, please email Townsville Sailing Club or phone (07) 4772 1105.

Volunteer Roles

Volunteer roles cover the range of club operations from on-water sailing officiating to club development activites and asset management. Some roles help on sailing days, while other roles can have longer terms to help with onging club operations. A detailed outline of Volunteer Roles and Duties on our club sailing days (Sundays), can be found here.

An outline of broader vounteer role descriptions are provided below:

Sailing Related Roles:

Position Typical Term Description
Principal Race Officer 1 year The Principal race officer is responsible for fixturing and recording general statistics including results, votes and standings. Their role also includes organising event volunteers, maintaining equipment and ensuring safety procedures are in place.
Results Officer 1 year Responsible for processing racing and publishing club racing and regatta results
Officer of the Day Race day Assigned for Race days. Leads the race management volunteers, oversee the activities of the start/finish time keepers, to ensure they carry out their set tasks/ duties, to generally promote high standards in the running of races for the Townsville sailing Club
Start Boat Crew Race day Starts and finishes racing on race days including the collation of results for processing. Responsible for deciding on-water changes to racing in consultation with the Officer of the Day
Mark Boat Crew Race day Sets the courses for the day as determined by the Officer of the Day. Executes changes to the courses when required. Assists with rescues when required
Safety Boat Crew Race day Monitors the safety of competitors during races. Executes changes to the courses when required. Assists with rescues when required
Beach Marshall Race day The Beach Marshall supports the Principal Race Officer and Officer of the Day by coordinating the shoreside interface during sailing events, particularly for emergency management.
Volunteer Coordinator 3 months Meets with volunteers, works out what they want to do and passes them on to the person in charge of that area, and assist with maintaining volunteer registers.
Adventure Sail Officer 3 months Primary organiser of Adventure Sail events including associated off-water arrangements.
Class Representatives 1 year Representatives on the Sailing Committee that represent the primary classes raced at the Townsville Sailing Club.



Club Development Roles:

Position  Typical Term Decription
Discover Sailing Principal 1 year The Discover Sailing Principal is in charge of training activities and are responsible to the Club Commodore for ensuring that all groups afloat are properly resourced and led by appropriately qualified staff
Marketing & Promotions Coordinator 6 months Responsible for keeping members and the public well informed of all events and functions via the media, social media and club websites.
Fund-raising Coordinator 6 months Develops a fundraising plan. Identifies potential source of funds e.g. sponsorships, grants, etc.. Coordinate volunteers to assist with fundraising events. Determine what purpose the funds raised will be used for. Arranges fundraising and social events aimed at bringing the membership together, attracting new members and raising the profile of the club.
Club Ambassador N/A An eminent member of the club appointed by the Commodore to represent the club and club’s interests where appropriate
TAP Board Representatives 2 Year Club Members that represent the Townsville Sailing Club on the Project Control Group for the Townsville Aquatic Precinct Business Case, and as Directors of the Strand Sailing Limited company (Club Land owner)
Youth Representative 6 months An under 25 club member representing youth issues on the Club Development Sub-committee


Asset Management  Roles:

Position  Typical Term Description
Club-house Officer 6 months Maintains the club-house and grounds by undertaking minor repairs and maintenance, and coordinating with the Boat Shed Coordinator and Vice Commodore for larger repairs. Coordinates volunteers for lawn mowing duties.
Race Boatswain 6 months Ensures committee boats and race equipment is in working order and ready for race days.
Boat-Shed Coordinator 1 year Coordinates the Men’s Shed program operating out of the Townsville Sailing Club, including attracting new members, assigning appropriate duties and reporting to the Board


Trade and Finance Roles:

Position Typical Term Description
Canteen Convenor 1 year Responsible for running the canteen including purchasing and managing stock, resourcing canteen volunteers, ensuring canteen operations meet club financial reporting requirements.
Canteen Attendant Event/Race day Assist with sales of food and drinks on event and race days. Ideally has a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate.
Grants Coordinator 6 months Identify potential source of funds e.g. sponsorships, grants, etc. Complete and submit the grant application /sponsorship proposal, with assistance from the club adminstration team. Ensure the acquired funds are being used for the designed purpose. Maintain relationships with the donors, grant agencies and sponsors.



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