Registrations for this event are closed.
Volunteer Register - Sealink 57th Sabot Nationals
For events like this to be a sucess and run soomthly we need volunteers in all areas on water on safety boats, start boats,. finish boats. Volunters are required the couple of days leading up to the event for setting up and preparation of grounds, rigging area, club house etc. Voulunteers will be needed during the event on water assistance, off water in a variety of areas including in the club canteen, general club house with task like cleaning, results data entry, beach marshall, rigging area marshall, assistance with launching and wash down. Then at the end of the Regatta assistance with the pack down of the event.
By Registering your details and your prefered Day, time frame and area you would like to volunteer this helps the organisers know what help we have where and when and what help we still need to source.
As the old saying goes "'Many hands make light work'' With your support and assistance this Nationals is sure to be a fantastic event,
This event
When Registering:
1. Indicate where you would prefer to help e.g On water, Beach, Safety, Registration tent, canteen. or ANYWHERE
2. Advise us of any suitable licenses - Boat license, First Aid, RSA,
3. indicate your preferred time slot
Any further enquiries please:
For further information email NQSA:
Ph: Kieran Matthieu Ph: 0413 330 577 Peter Osborne: Ph: 0459 304 367 Jason Doyle: Ph: 0405 033 771
Organising committee are all volunteers so you may need to leave a phone message or send an SMS and one of our committee will respond to you ASAP