2021 Championship Racing Results



Below are the provisional championship series results after Races 7 and 8 of the Club Championship held on Sunday the 16th of May. If any competitor feels there may be an error in these results, please email the Club at  townsvillesailingclub@gmail.com

2021 Club Championships

Townsville Sailing Club

Results are provisional as of 16 May 2021

Junior Division

Sailed: 8, Discards: 1, To count: 7, Rating system: VY, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo HelmName VY R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Total Nett
1st Sabot Hot Pursuit Sabot 7120 Nick Dunne 160.5 (29.03) 27.13 144220 15:31:03 35:04 33.02 1 1 8.0 7.0
2nd Sabot Inside Edge Sabot 6778 Alyssa 160.5 (31:49) 31.03 14:45:51 15:31:22 36.23 34.59 2 2 30.0 24.0
3rd Sabot Secret Mission Sabot 6283 Stefan 160.5 (31.37) 29.14 14:46:41 15:36:28 35:45 35.03 3 3 31.5 26.5
4th Sabot Another Menace Sabot 6287 Josh 160.5 31.06 29.19 14:46:20 15:34:34 36:14 34.41 4 (DNC) 38.5 26.5
5th Sabot Seriously Sabot 7073 Dom Osborne 160.5 29.50 27.17 14:43:45 15:36:27 36:00 35.15 (DNC) DNC 43.5 31.5
6th Sabot Its all G Sabot 6266 Bailey 160.5 31.53 31.21 (DNC) DNC 37:12 37.47 5 4 60.0 48.0
7th Sabot 2 up Nut on The Tiller Sabot 2 Up 6296 Kalen Linton 167 32.23 29.58 (DNC) DNE DNC 35.31 DNC DNC 68.5 56.5
8th Sabot Mama Mia Sabot 6220 Finlay 160.5 (DNC) DNC 145500 153943 42:26 DNC DNF 8 75.0 63.0
9th Sabot Island Magic Sabot 6 Willow Bayley 167 40.06 36.12 (DNF) DNF DNC DNC 7 7 77.0 65.0
10th Sabot Twisted Sister Sabot 6291 Amelia 160.5 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 6 5 83.0 71.0
11th Sabot Air Apparent Sabot 6257 Marcus 160.5 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC 39:05 46.18 DNC DNC 87.0 75.0

Laser Division

Sailed: 8, Discards: 1, To count: 7, Rating system: VY, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo HelmName VY R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Total Nett
1st Finn Mac Finn 274 Adam 112 29.15 (26.05) 144144 153616 45.15 42.39 14:51:31 15:55:16 21.0 16.0
2nd Laser Full Rig Turls Pacifier Laser Full Rig 44476 John Byrne 114 (30.37) 26.11 SBD SBD 47.50 49.00 SBD SBD 24.0 19.0
3rd Laser Radial Infinity Laser Radial 209551 Chelseann Osbone 118.5 30.00 27.00 144615 153553 (DNC) DNC 145316 152951 33.0 21.0
4th Laser 4.7 Escape Plan Laser 4.7 167062 Kayla Boothby 125 30.50 27.12 (DNC) DNC 48.36 49.27 DNC DNC 53.0 41.0
5th Laser 4.7 SPD Laser 4.7 66 Fiona Currie 125 31.52 29.04 152900 (DNC) DNC DNC 150704 DNF 64.5 52.5
6th Laser Radial Albatross Laser Radial blank Rod Collis 118.5 (DNC) DNC SBD SBD DNC DNC 14:56:32 DNF 67.0 55.0
7th Laser 4.7   Laser 4.7 160020 Igor 125 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC 50.13 DNC 14:57:53 150042 70.0 58.0
8th Laser 4.7 Kermit Laser 4.7 Green Felicity Smith 125 (DNC) DNC 152900 154404 DNC 58.51 DNC DNC 72.5 60.5
9th Laser Radial Blue Lightning Laser Radial 161219 Cameron Macpherson 118.5 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC 46.27 47.30 DNC DNC 77.0 65.0
10th Laser 4.7 Ducks Nuts Laser 4.7 155686 Breda 125 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 15:11:15 160205 80.0 68.0
11th Laser 4.7 Carnage Laser 4.7 16 Cameron 125 (DNC) DNC DNC DNC 56.01 52.00 DNC DNC 82.0 70.0

Senior Mono Division

Sailed: 8, Discards: 1, To count: 7, Rating system: VY, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A

Rank Fleet Boat Class SailNo HelmName VY R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7  

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